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Friday, October 31, 2008

Sleepless in Manila

Total of 16 hours travel from Bermuda to New York to Hong Kong to Manila = exhaustion + sleepless nights. We all tried hard to adjust our body clocks for over a month now. But somehow, either all of us or one of us find ourselves wide awake in the middle of the night (Manila time) up until now. Eleven hours time difference from Bermuda seemed a bit of hard work to adjust body clocks. Added to the fact that there are a lot of things in our minds e.g. finding a suitable place to live, a car, school for our son, health concerns, etc. In the past month of living in a hotel (paid for us), I just stare at my seventeen inch laptop. I had too much in mind that I can not find time and strength to write or check my blog. Pardonne moi. There are a lot to say but I will save them all for later. Ha-Ha-Ha-Happy Halloween!!!

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