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Friday, March 9, 2012

My Memories: FREE RAKStar Membership for One Year!

Hey digital scrapbook lovers! I have a Special Limited Time Offer just for you. When you purchase the #1 digital scrapbook software, My Memories, using
Geca's CODE: STMMMS43107

you will get FREE One (1) Year RAKStar Membership !!!
Please NOTE: This Special Offer is ONLY good on receipts DATED between today 9th of March - 31st of March 2012 !!!

So, let's do the math:
    $39.99 MyMemories Suite Software
 - $10.00 Geca's Code
   $29.99 Your Payment
+ $10.00 in FREE merchandise
+ $19.95 RAKStar Membership
= $29.95 FREE Bonus !!!

Now tell me if that's not an awesome deal for the Best Digital Software on the Planet!

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Once Again... A Standing Ovation for Jessica Sanchez!

If only Whitney Houston were alive, she would have been proud of Jessica Sanchez for belting out her classic gem "I Will Always Love You". Once again, she delivered a jaw-dropping performance that brought the judges and everyone else to their feet for a standing ovation. Even the seasoned professional singers would have agreed as well for only a few of them can do justice to the said song.

I just wish that Jessica continues to do great in her performances, and never stumble in her song choices, that will take her all the way to the top and wins the American Idol title for this year.

Oh as I jumped up and down to cheer for her wonderful powerhouse performance, my beagle pup, Waggy jumped up off his bed too! hehehe

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Waggy's New Bed

It's hard work potty training a puppy but, of course, we are not giving up on our dear Waggy to be a well-trained beagle pup real soon. There are occasional 'accidents' here and there but we just have to be patient in training him.

He seemed to be "well behaved" that he never eliminated (pee / poop) on the rags that he used to sleep on  so we decided that it's time for him to have a decent bed. We went to a pet shop a few weekends ago and I chose a blue checkered / denim bed for our Waggy which he excitedly jumped on as soon as I laid it down on the floor for him.

 Waggy's bed is very comfy that even my son, EJ, jumped on it too and squeezed himself next to our beagle pup!

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