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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Celebrating Hallowe'en - Do You Even Know What It Means?

Every year around this time, most of us (if not all) celebrate Hallowe'en, which we usually spell as Halloween. We celebrate it mostly just for the fun of dressing up (or down) in a wild, fantasy or gory costumes at a Hallowe'en themed party or event. Some parents get their own children to participate in trick or treating and costume contests too.

But do we even know what Hallowe'en means? Or where it is derived from? Why do we celebrate it? What for? Just for fun?

Meaning of Hallowe'en

Hallowe'en is derived from All Hallows Even, meaning the day before All Hallows Day, the day Christian saints are honored, known to most of us as All Saints Day.


Most sources agree that Hallowe'en started 2,000 years ago by the Celts, who lived in United Kingdom. During those times, they celebrate this date to commemorate the end of the year. Why celebrate end of the year at this date? November 1 was their New Year, and this was called Samhain (sow'een).

They believed that on this particular date, the wall between the living and the dead was open, allowing either good or bad spirits mingle with the living. Thus, they thought some spirits either possess the living people or cause trouble.

More about origin of Samhain here.

Halloween Traditions

It was in the middle of twentieth century that Hallowe'en turned popular in the United States and was celebrated in parties wearing great costumes. Since then, it was a great excuse for every party lovers to celebrate, and that's without the thought of the origin and ancient meaning of Hallowe'en. It also evolved into a modern Hallowe'en event e.g. Trick or Treat.

How Do You Celebrate Halloween?

A lot of people this past week seem  to be busy creating their own or shopping for their Halloween costumes. Kids are getting dressed up as little princes or princesses with their trick or treat bags.

I will be taking my 9-year old son at a Halloween event tomorrow. He wants to be a zombie! Jeez! I hope I can give him the look he wants even though I don't want to spend at all. We'll be there just so he doesn't miss out on the fun of participating and socializing with other kids.

So, what are you doing this week?

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Friday, October 26, 2012

I Can Be Body Beautiful at Any Age with Wacoal

Ladies, whether we are in our 20's, 30's or even at 40's, we always wonder what fits our womanly body, don't you? Now ask this to yourselves,

How can you be body beautiful at any age with Wacoal?

Being confident in ourselves and feeling beautiful at any shape, and especially, at any age is deemed important wherever we go and whenever. But first, confidence and beauty must come from within, believing that we are beautiful not only on the outside but also deep inside. Being beautiful inside and on the outside brings out a lady who is well-mannered and good-natured with astounding confidence!

To help us be more confident in ourselves and be body beautiful at any age, Wacoal is there for us ladies to boost our womanly curves.

For more than half a century, Wacoal have nurtured a corporate culture under which
people with great creativity are encouraged to carefully tailor intimate apparel for women.

Pictured below are my favorite pair of Wacoal undergarments:

I'm always on the go and busy trying hard making a name in the blogosphere. These Wacoal intimate apparels would be a perfect fit for my uniquely yet beautifully shaped body especially at my age and  for a woman like me who's always on the go! They are perfect underneath any black form-fitting dress. Hence, I'd feel more confident and stunningly body beautiful! Oh isn't that wonderful?

And that's because of the intimate apparels created by Wacoal whose objective is for us ladies to "Be Body Beautiful At Any Age".

I can be body beautiful at any age with Wacoal!

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tetra Pak RFR - Recycle. Feed. Run - 11/18

As organized by HyperSports Philippines, Inc. with Tetra Pak's worldwide Feed-a-Child program, Tetra Pak RFR - Recycle. Feed. Run - reaches out to all runners and their family and friends to participate. Stop by at any designated sites (see image above) to register and please bring two (2) empty and clean Tetra Pak packaging. You may bring extra five (5) empty and clean Tetra Pak packaging to get Php50.00 off the registration fee.

For every Tetra Pak packaging brought by runners, Tetra Pak will donate one (1) 200 or 250ml milk in Tetra Pak packaging to underprivileged children. So please bring more empty and clean Tetra Pak packaging as many as you can.

Registration Fees:
21K - Php800
10K - Php700
 5K - Php600
 3K - Php500

Registration Ends on November 16, 2012.

See you there!

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Waggy was searching for Puppy Love!

Guess which one Waggy kept chasing at Pedigree Philippines' Puppy Love Event.

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Divalicious Pinoy Mom

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Waggy Had a Blast at #Pedigree Puppy Love Event ^,^

The day before Pedigree Philippines' Puppy Love Event, I made a cape for my beagle dog, Waggy. I cut off my son's old superman cape in half and stitched it on a dog shirt so it doesn't keep falling off. Then I wrote W on the cape to represent Waggy's initial. I used Fabric Dye Pentel, fabric paint pen and lastly, glitter glue on top. Air dried it for a few minutes and tadaaa!

Sunday morning, the day of Puppy Love Event, was gloomy and cloudy; worse, poured a little before noon time. Waggy, EJ and I were all dressed to go out but I decided to wait for the rain to subside before we set off, otherwise we wouldn't go at all. Thankfully, it stopped pouring in the afternoon and it even seemed a perfect day to go to Eastwood City for the said event because it was bright and sunny!

As soon as we reached the registration desk located outside Eastwood Mall, Waggy was given a Pedigree scarf and a bag of treats. Then off to a photoshoot and a free Vet consultation. Here's a shot of Waggy wearing his red cape with W on it and the Pedigree scarf with a quote:
My owner's cute too!

What's more awesome that day was that Waggy met a lot of other cute beagle dogs and other breeds! For me, Waggy was the most eager to meet all dogs at the event.  He's very sociable and amiable to all dogs at the event! I could hardly take a snap shot of my own dog, chasing him because he keeps running towards other dogs to meet them excitedly. I just pull him back whenever unfriendly dogs growl at him and seem want to take a bite.

There were mini-shows with celebrity guests (jeez I forgot their names!) who are dog lovers too!

Mini show at 4pm
Mini show at 5:30pm
There was also a parade for dogs which Waggy participated in:

More photos at my Facebook profile and page later.

Thanks a lot Pedigree Philippines for the lovely event for our pet dogs! See you again on future events.

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hey Bloggers! Sign Up for this FREE Blogger Event: $500 Christmas Cash Giveaway!

Hi fellow Bloggers! Christmas time is fast approaching. 
Why not do an event where your dear readers can get the CHANCE to win a whopping $500?

Christmas Cash Event hosted by Mom Powered Media

Prize: $500 Visa Gift Card OR $500 Paypal Cash OR $500 Amazon Gift Card {winner's choice}
Event dates: 11/7 - 12/5
Free Blog Event! Sign-up here, BLOGGERS WANTED
Please mention Divalicious Pinoy Mom referred you.

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