Trendy Summer Wear

Monday, October 22, 2012

Waggy Had a Blast at #Pedigree Puppy Love Event ^,^

The day before Pedigree Philippines' Puppy Love Event, I made a cape for my beagle dog, Waggy. I cut off my son's old superman cape in half and stitched it on a dog shirt so it doesn't keep falling off. Then I wrote W on the cape to represent Waggy's initial. I used Fabric Dye Pentel, fabric paint pen and lastly, glitter glue on top. Air dried it for a few minutes and tadaaa!

Sunday morning, the day of Puppy Love Event, was gloomy and cloudy; worse, poured a little before noon time. Waggy, EJ and I were all dressed to go out but I decided to wait for the rain to subside before we set off, otherwise we wouldn't go at all. Thankfully, it stopped pouring in the afternoon and it even seemed a perfect day to go to Eastwood City for the said event because it was bright and sunny!

As soon as we reached the registration desk located outside Eastwood Mall, Waggy was given a Pedigree scarf and a bag of treats. Then off to a photoshoot and a free Vet consultation. Here's a shot of Waggy wearing his red cape with W on it and the Pedigree scarf with a quote:
My owner's cute too!

What's more awesome that day was that Waggy met a lot of other cute beagle dogs and other breeds! For me, Waggy was the most eager to meet all dogs at the event.  He's very sociable and amiable to all dogs at the event! I could hardly take a snap shot of my own dog, chasing him because he keeps running towards other dogs to meet them excitedly. I just pull him back whenever unfriendly dogs growl at him and seem want to take a bite.

There were mini-shows with celebrity guests (jeez I forgot their names!) who are dog lovers too!

Mini show at 4pm
Mini show at 5:30pm
There was also a parade for dogs which Waggy participated in:

More photos at my Facebook profile and page later.

Thanks a lot Pedigree Philippines for the lovely event for our pet dogs! See you again on future events.

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