Trendy Summer Wear

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Would you describe a beautiful woman like this?

Took a mental note of how an actor, in a subtitled Asian film, described a beautiful woman (it was being shown on the bus that I was on last week). It was something like this:
Hair like a black wave Forehead like a moon Eyes like Bermuda triangle Lips like a barrack of horses

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Magic in Forgiveness... Leads to Happiness

Have you ever felt that magical feeling of forgiveness? I have. Truly.

The magical feeling did not happen overnight. I went through the unimaginable emotional pain and horrors of depression, anxiety, fear of being alone, being a prisoner in my own invisible yet seemingly unbreakable wall of regrets and, worst of all, unwillingness to move on with my life.

It took quite a long time before I finally decided that it was time to get up, clear negative thoughts off my head and live a beautiful life meant for me with my one and only son.

Whatever was done in the past can never be undone. Whatever was said can never be unsaid. Forgiveness is the only solution to go on.

Overcoming emotional pain is not impossible if we address the subject of forgiveness. Forgiving yourself for every mistakes done and forgiving the others as well who wronged you, shall eventually mean releasing the negative energy that heavily cloaks your heart.

Remembering who you are deep within is necessary in forgiving. The courage to get up and embrace the power and magic of forgiveness will lead to empowerment.

Whatever the reason is for your emotional pain, remember this: "This too shall pass."

Life must go on! Do not let yourself be the prisoner of the past. Only you can release yourself and no one else.

If you need to forgive someone, do so. If you want forgiveness from someone, then ask for it. Then get on with your life, whether you got the forgiveness that you seek from others or not.

Now, I can face the world with a genuine smile. I decided that once and for all, my happiness does not depend upon other people. Hence, I am no longer a prisoner of my own past because I have forgiven others.

This is the magic in forgiveness: happiness! registered & protected

Remembering who you are deep within is necessary in forgiving. The courage to get up and embrace the power and magic of forgiveness will lead to empowerment.

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Wipe away negative thoughts, forget the past, forgive people who wronged you and look forward to what lies ahead with a brave heart.

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