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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tuesday Toot - Favicon

I recently joined Blogamama and today, I received my first e-mail from Blogamama herself - Marie. She's talking about joining them in "Tuesday Toot". I thought to myself, "What in the world is "Tuesday Toot"? Should I say "Woot! or cry like an owl and say "Hoot!" Tuesday Toot sounds like umm ... ewww! There's always a first and this is my first post as a "Blogamama" ... woot! I searched the site how did this "Tuesday Toot" originate and found that it kicked off early this year and Tuesday Toot came from nowhere significant. But I agree with Marie that it's quite catchy. Anyways basically, every Tuesday is a day for Blogamamas to post an accomplishment done especially as a Mom. What a better way for us Moms to celebrate weekly than by "Tooting Out Own Horn"! Nonetheless, celebration isn't limited to achievements as a Mom but also success on any other role we play in life. Moreover, it can also be a day to post other people's accomplishment - kids', husband's, friend's. So, what's the reason to toot my own horn at the moment? hmmm... mmmm... lalalala. (sigh) To be honest, I'm the queen of procrastination. If not for the Blogamama e-mail, I wouldn't update my blog. :P A few people (maybe very very few) know that I've been busy the past week tweaking and changing and tweaking my own blogger template. My recent discovery is "Favicon". I just did this last night. If you are Firefox user, you should see that tiny icon next to my blog's URL and on the tab. If you are IE user (sigh), double click the icon to see the favicon. Hey it rhymes! I'm quite happy with it especially after seeing that it worked! Hence, this is my Tuesday Toot, woohoo! Here's what my favicon looks like if you can't see it: ( yes, that's my own pic) To make your own Favicon: Follow Blog U's instruction Happy Tuesday Tooting!

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