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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Geca is a Versatile Blogger... So Says My New Blog Award

After three years, I received another Blog Award. Woot woot!
This time it's in English haha!
The first award I got was in Spanish, I think.

Here's the award given to me recently:

How awesome is that? Geca as The Versatile Blogger eh!

A big thank you to Kimberly, author of 'A Little Crunchy'. You guys should check her blog out. Each article is a definite 'good read' so it's worth every minute of your precious time. She writes reviews and hosts giveaways. Make sure to drop her a note when you visit.

Receiving The Versatile Blogger award requires the recipient to follow these rules:
  1. Thank the person that nominated you with a link back to them.
  2. Tell 7 things about yourself. (Please read below)
  3. Pass this award on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know that they have received The Versatile Blogger award.

Seven Facts About Geca:

  • I'm from the Pearl of the Orient Seas, otherwise known as Philippines.
  • I have a small butterfly tattoo on my right leg. It's small because I'm a big wuss and it was just to cover the scar caused by a (neighbor's) dog bite (which happened because I was protecting my cat).
  • I was a 'Mystery Shopper' in Toronto, Canada. I've bought hundreds of sunglasses and returned them all the next day. Also, I've been to a few restaurants without anyone knowing that I was "spying".
  •  I've traveled / worked / lived in Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, England, Canada,  Switzerland and Bermuda. 
  • I have avoided eating pork for 5 years now. There maybe slip ups when I'm at gatherings or at restaurants especially if the meat was grounded. Nowadays though, I ask what was in the meal. 
  • I wash my hands frequently, maybe more often than others do. So I guess, I'm a little bit of a germophobe. 
  • Lastly, I hate my speaking voice. So as much as possible I don't say a word in most of our family home videos.  I don't want to talk on the phone too.

Now on to passing this Versatile Blogger Award:

Drum roll please....

iHeart Good Health - Journeying towards a healthier lifestyle one step at a time

Elf Lady's Chronicles - Surviving domestic violence, divorce & motherhood

The Blogerista - Loving life and blogging about it!

Best Skin Care -  Skin care and fashion tips's Relationship Blog~ - thoughts about differences between women and men to understand innate sexuality.

Life's Tips and Tricks - Reflections on life, womanhood, parenting, travel

BlogEoz - Everything about daily rumbling. 

Mommy Only Has Two Hands - Motherhood, product reviews, coupons, and more.

Drink Your Greens and Minerals - Health and wellness.

Duni's Studio - Handmade blog, showcasing purses and sleepwear

Joanna's Life - Raising autism awareness

Life Accordning To Damaris - Reviews, giveaways, etc.

Adventures of Sasha - Giveaways, etc.

I recommend let's all drop by to their blogs and leave a note.

Congratulations to all new recipients! It's your turn to pass this award to other awesome bloggers... like us!


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