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Monday, April 2, 2012

Mompreneur Mogul - Top 25 Tech Moms 2012

I implore you fellow bloggers to vote for Mompreneur Mogul. It only takes 2 seconds to vote, just hit the thumbs up.

Voting ends in April 10, 2012 at 4pm PST and can vote only once every 24 hours.

Mompreneur Mogul blog is filled with blogging tips and an inspiration to a lot of bloggers. Lisa, author of the said blog and Get Famous E-Book,  

has been featured on Yahoo!Shine (February 2012)

To get to know Lisa Cash Hanson, please visit her blog:

Please NOTE: 
I do not receive rewards nor gifts nor incentives for writing the above nor am I willing or will ever take anything.
Think good, talk good and do good.

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