Trendy Summer Wear

Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer #BlogChallenge 7: Photos That Make Me Happy

Summer Blog Challenge #7

Picture(s) of Something 
That Makes You Happy

A picture is worth a thousand words...

Now let the pictures tell the story of happiness in my life as descriptive as texts.

Looking up at the ceiling of the train which took us to Gruyere, Switzerland.

My sister Joy's birthday 2011.

My favorite boys: EJ, Waggy and Seamus

Me, my sisters, Mom, nephews and niece at Splash Island, Philippines.

Me and some of my best pals in college.

People in the pictures above are the ones that I hold dearly to my heart: my family and friends. And these pictures are reminders of my favorite moments of uninhibited and contagious laughter.

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