"Spreading the word of love and respect for each individual who suffer the ugliness of racism keep them going to fight for their rights as a human being. They continuously support each other in any manner they can and living their life in this unmatched purpose."
People from ethnic minority regions and the so-called third-world country are those who suffer from racism unmistakably. They get hostile reception from other fellow human beings who unfortunately and strongly believe in themselves to be superior because of the lightness of their skin and hair, and because they speak, and claim it to be theirs, the international language, English, fluently and effortlessly. Despite this sickening absurdity, some fought back and never shown defeat by being active and proudly involved in anti-racism organizations. Spreading the word of love and respect for each individual who suffer the ugliness of racism keep them going to fight for their rights as a human being. They continuously support each other in any manner they can and living their life in this unmatched purpose. Nonetheless, not all people who were born with fair skin, light hair or blue eyes harmoniously agree with this unreasonableness of racism. Some of them support the anti-racism group generously and proudly. However, some of them perhaps do embrace the purpose of anti-racism groups discreetly, i.e. maybe without the knowledge of fellow fair skinned citizens. They engage themselves in this manner so as not to be labeled in such activity and be discriminated as well by their fellow countrymen. This is like a tug-o-war, between racists and anti-racists, that people deny to be happening endlessly up until our generation. And, these same people, who disagree with racism, are one of the reasons why nations continually classify people into different races. They do not want to get involved and would rather just watch the charade of irrationality."Hence, discrimination based on races are spread out around the world. It is the unpleasant result of the ancient history of humankind. When will it end? When are we going to say we are just one race? That is, human race."
Consequently, racism keeps the economical gain of people, from minority groups and from Far East, extremely low. Some countries, if not all, compensate people according to race, immodestly. This is actually demeaning the talent, knowledge, perseverance and hard work of these people, who are discriminated, for not getting the same compensation as the other 'lucky' human being, i.e. fair skinned people. It is sometimes laughable, and annoying at the same time, that racists pay wages of fair skinned people more, even if some of them are absolutely clueless and rely on others' assistance (e.g. talent and knowledge); these 'others' are people of minority groups. This is a matter of a fact. Because of this racism, people are not compensated according to their talent and work experience, but rather according to the lightness of skin. On the contrary, as a result of racism towards dark skinned people, they fight back too by discriminating everyone who are not as dark as them. They do so proudly and boldly. Other people too who have ancient history of suffering discriminate others too. Moreover, people from every region in each country discriminate others who are from other regions. Hence, discrimination based on races are spread out around the world. It is the unpleasant result of the ancient history of humankind. When will it end? When are we going to say we are just one race? That is, human race.