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Monday, September 15, 2008

Unbiased View on Blogging Code of Conduct

I am relatively new to blogging but one does not need to be an expert or an old timer to know the basic code of conduct.  It is of human nature to know code of conduct whatever medium is used or wherever.  

I, myself, is not aware that there was a written code of conduct until I hit "blog code of conduct" on google and met Tim O'Reilly, well not personally but through his web writings.  Nonetheless, people need to be constantly reminded of basic rules anywhere in the world, real-life or online.  Through my keen observation which means lots of browsing, during my free time, not everyone is bothered to care what is the blogging code of conduct. 

For me though, blogs should only consist of properly written articles. Hence, grammatically correct and taking consideration good morals.

Not only that articles must be in correct grammar and spelling but also well-thought out and considers the world wide web users. With that said, a blogger should be polite in any manner of writing in any subjects, not aggressive and arrogant nor rude which means abusing access of world wide web. 
However, I am not suggesting that only those who can write grammatically correct, and in most courteous ways, have the right to be a blogger because I believe in freedom of speech and expression. 
On the contrary, as soon as I see crude language on a blog, I quickly close the page and make a mental note never to visit the same page again.  I must admit that I am not a master of this but, at least, I try my best each time I write. 

Writing in public reflects one's own personality and character, even those who prefer to write anonymously and use aliases.  It is a free world to speak up one's own thoughts in any way they can.  Nevertheless, we should take responsibility with every words written and sent throughout the world wide web. Writing is like presenting one's self applying for work or doing a presentation at the board or conference room. 

Hence, it is like advertising yourself.  However, for some, maybe, restraining bloggers to be honest and straight-forward blatantly and flagrantly would make themselves feel suppressed and stripped-off of their rights to freedom of speech and expression.  Therefore, some, if not all, may resort to exaggerate, more aggressive approach in their writings. 

After all, who would really enforce with a fist, metaphorically, the blogging code of conduct?  To each his own, I guess. 

Happy blogging!

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